Legal Specialization Forms
The application period for Initial Certification will open on March 1. Applications will be accepted through the State Bar Membership Portal. Early applications, filed by April 1, will qualify for a reduced application fee. Please contact staff ( or 919-828-4620 x 265) to inquire about submitting a late application. Late applications may be submitted by May 10 at 5 pm.
Click on the following links to display and/or print a form.
Recertification applications will be available in the State Bar Membership Portal on July 1. Please contact Katie Seruset with any questions about the recertification application process.
Supplemental Application Forms (Recertification)
Elder Law recertification applicants do NOT need to complete a supplemental form.
Social Security Disability Law
Supplemental Application Forms (Certification)
Privacy and Information Security
Social Security Disability Law
Waiver of Strict Compliance
Recertification – Request for a Waiver of Strict Compliance
NC LEAF Application
Scholarships Opportunities for Prosecutors, Public Defenders, and Legal Service Providers: As a lawyer who works in public service, you may have the opportunity to qualify for a scholarship to cover the initial certification application fee. A limited number of scholarships are available through a joint program with the NC Legal Education Assistance Foundation (NC LEAF), so apply early!
Click here for additional information about the NC LEAF Specialization Scholarship Fund. For information about NC LEAF, visit their website.
Applications for the NC LEAF Specialization Scholarship: The scholarship application is now a part of the certification application, available through the State Bar Member’s Portal.
Please contact Sheila Saucier with any questions about the application process.
Declaration of Intent to Apply for Specialty Certification
Submission of this declaration form allows the specialization staff to review the applicant’s progress toward meeting the standards for certification, as well as to keep the applicant informed of application deadlines and other available resources. No payment is due with the declaration.
Declaration Form or contact Sheila Saucier for a PDF form.